C-Joy Massage
Medical Massage, Myoskeletal Alignment Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology, Prenatal, Gua Sha, Holistic Healing, Reiki, Trinity Energy Progression
Services And Rates

Massage therapy is one part to healing an issue, I allow body awareness to take place.  I work together with a client to find pain & tension through trigger point work, release pain and find the pain path to healing.  Through myofascial work, I follow the fascia lines to help release muscle tension so the muscle can begin to work properly again with proper circulation, blood flow and oxygen.  Our bodies can heal and I can help you.  

Payments:  cash, check, credit card, venmo, zelle, paypal

Business Chair Massage$175 / 60 minutes
Massage$175 / 60 minutes
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage$175 / 60 minutes
Reflexology$175 / 60 minutes
Reiki Master$260 / 90 minutes
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